Here are some updates to Reeve,
After a long time, I get to do some personal work :) Here is a likeness sculpt of Christopher Reeve as Superman. Quite happy so far, doing a quick Look dev in Unreal simultaneously :)
Second update on Peter Fishmouther by the awesome Labros Panousis. Blocking in the other elements and also tweaked the proportions a little. I will be moving on to the detailing stage soon :D
The first project for this year !! :) I started sculpting Peter Fishmouther by the awesome Labros Panousis This is just a personal work intended to do study some stylized creature/animal/fish :D
concept by Labros Panousis
Here is the first texture pass on the project. Will be moving on to the hair next and finally refining the textures overall. Decided to work with Spec Gloss pipeline for this :)
So here is another update on the project. A little more polish/ work and I will be there with the final sculpt :)
Hi everyone,
Working on personal work has been difficult this year. Here is a personal project I started a month back and have been working over the weekends on and off.
Here is the sculpt WIP. Still exploring the design and shapes :)
I have been on and off on this project. So, here is the latest update.
I am done with the low poly of the garments and 80 percent through the textures :) I will be moving to the low poly of the walkman next and then eventually the hair cards :)
It's all coming along now :D
Here is a render from Marmoset Toolbag 4
I took the head to Mari and projected Texture Xyz displacements and diffuse. Also, I worked on the fabric a bit more by adding some secondary/tertiary folds :)
Here is a screengrab from Zbrush
I have been also playing with the new Toolbag 4 and set up a couple of studio light rigs.
So, Its been a while eh!
I opened up the jackets and worked on the Shoes / the Walkman. Its all coming together :) and hopefully I can get the sculpt done in a weeks time
Here are some screengrabs from Maya viewport
And finally a render from Marmoset Toolbag 4 Beta